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Sunday, February 9th, 2025

Leadership Team

            The  Leadership Team of Breath of Heaven Ministries of the Treasure Coast, Inc. is comprised of Tom and Gaye King...

            Breath of Heaven Ministries  was formed by Tom and Gaye King on March 12, 2010. Tom and Gaye have served the homeless and needy in indian River County on a full-time basis for more than fourteen years. They led the development, operations and ministry of The Source during that period. The First Baptist Chruch of Vero Beach has since allowed the use of their former music department as home to Breath of Heaven's Christian Outreach and Resoucre Center.

            Tom and Gaye have served as board members on the Treasure Coast Homeless Services Council since it was founded and have actively supported our local continuum of care. Gaye is a founding board member of the Attainable Housing Coalition. Breath of Heaven was the first agency to place a low to moderate income family in Indian River County in a new home through the Neighborhood Stabilization Program. We are part of the Shelter Plus Care team working with New Horizons to place homeless individuals and families with mental disabilities into housing and client services.

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